If I were to lend you my eyes for a glimpse of my perspectives on the world which surrounds us, you would know exactly why I chose to express myself in these manners, but since it is entirely impossible for you to venture into my physical mind, I would like to share my visions with you through my art, as this is the only way I know how to explain myself as clearly, honestly and outwardly as possible without dialogue or inhibition.
I've never felt regular about anything, infact I'm not quite sure what regular, or truthfully, habitual, really means.
I can't say my upbringing was basic, or uneventful or even uninspiring. Quite the opposite I was rather fortunate to have an incredibly memorable childhood filled with adventures and wonderment. By the time I was 9 years old I had lived in 3 different countries on 3 different continents, or 2 continents perhaps depending on which side of Turkey you're trekking through.
I was born in October of 1981 in the picturesque port city on the Baltic Coast, Gdansk, Poland. My parents were relatively young, driven, and well educated with a desire to verture into unknown parts of the world while gifting me with one of the greatest adventures of my life.
Picasso-Me Autoportrait 8x10 Watercolour
All Images, Artwork & Content Copyright (c) 2019 Agnes Cosentino, Hobo Haus Gallery, & HoboHausGallery.com All Rights Reserved